Decomposed Diatom


By Silica

To Start


Here we go! My first "public" personal essay! Starting is the hardest part of this for me- it’s always been like pulling teeth. Here, I explore why.



This week is gonna be rough... I'm covering for someone at work, petting sitting 5 cats (their own house THANKFULLY), getting a new cat today, AND yesterday my sweet kitty, Prismo, made it known to me he had a UTI blockage! If only you could have heard the doctors, techs, and I cheering for him when he finally peed all over! It was GLORIOUS!!

Now he needs 2 medications everyday, prescription food, and for me to monitor diligently.

Hoping to have someone foster my new one for atleast 2 weeks until Prismo is better. I have 2 cats already so don't want to add more stress for Prismo and because they use 2 seperate litter boxes I don't want the new boi messing up their flow... WISH ME LUCK!


I have so much blank space still but so little time to fill it all in v-v


I think I'm getting the hang of it!


A Thank You

Thank you for reading! It means a lot- time is the real currency, so any of it spent here is valuable to me!